Solved – the difference between ex ante and a priori, if any


In the context of estimating geophysical quantities from remotely sensed data (inverse theory), what do the terms ex ante and ex post mean? For context, see for example this paper by T. von Clarmann (emphasis mine):

The actual value of $χ^2$ allows to conclude if the differences $\mathbf{\hat{x}}_\textrm{val} – \mathbf{\hat{x}}_\textrm{ref}$ are consistent with the ex ante estimates of the uncertainties of the difference, represented by its covariance matrix $\mathbf{S}_\textrm{diff}$ , or if there is a significant inconsistency.


Instead, we use independent reference measurements, which allow to infer ex post estimates of bias, precision, and accuracy.

Is there any difference between the terms ex ante and a priori?
Likewise, is there a difference between ex post and a posteriori?
If yes, what are those differences?

Best Answer

Ex Ante means before the event. Ex Post means after the event. In this example, I think this means before and after the event that gives the statistical difference you're testing, respectively.

On the other hand, a priori and a posteriori are terms from philosophy, respectively denoting knowledge that is logically derived, and knowledge that requires empirical evidence. (Wikipedia)