Solved – the best measure for goodness of fit for GLM (i.e. the R^2 equivalent for GLM)

generalized linear modelgoodness of fit

R-sq is a very common measure on goodness of fit for OLM, and many people are aware of that even with very rudimentary statistical knowledge. Is there an equivalent of R-sq for GLM (in my case, binomial/logistic)?

Thank you.

Best Answer

For me the adj. R-square is only good for knowing whether or not your independent variables explain enough of your response. With a GLM, things are a bit more abstract since you don’t get an actual value to express this (or at least, I never learned how to do that).

However, there is the Likelihood-ratio test which shows you whether your model identifies with the null model (which basically is the equivalent of knowing whether your adj. R-sq. would be “too low” or not), and there is also the Deviance goodness of fit test which tells you whether your model identifies with the saturated model (which is the equivalent of knowing whether your adj. R-sq. value would be “high enough” or not).

PS: This post might be useful too.

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