Solved – the 95% confidence interval / ellipse in a PCA plot telling me

confidence intervalpca

I am new to statistics and within the last two days I tried to get my head around PCA plots. Now, I kind of understand what they are showing but I am still not sure about the 95% confidence ellipse that is very often shown in such plots. The 2 dimensional PCA plot displays the two biggest variances (whatever these are) in the data but I don't know what the ellipse is trying to tell me and what it means if a sample/dot (whatever is displayed) is lying outside that ellipse.

Help is very much appreciated.

Best Answer

The ellipse around a scatter plot of "component 1" vs. "component 2" has a similar meaning to the ellipse around any other scatter plot. Unfortunately, there are two common uses of such ellipses: Prediction ellipses and confidence ellipses. SAS documentation explains the difference (as do other sites)

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