Solved – Textbook for teaching introductory statistics and econometrics in R to undergraduates


I am looking for a good book for teaching introductory statistics and econometrics in R at an undergraduate level.

Is there a commonly recommended text?

Best Answer

For introductory statistics and econometrics I would suggest the following.

  1. Basic Econometrics - Damodar Gujarati
  2. Econometric Analysis -William Greene

The following two books are introductory statistics and econometrics in R.

  1. Hands On Intermediate Econometrics Using Templates
  2. Applied Econometrics with R (same as arne's suggestion)

Gujarati and Greene are the best suggestion if you are looking basic econometrics. My friends use the last two books and they are happy about the book.

You can also find more tutorials or handouts in google. I guess the cran document Econometrics in R may be useful.