Solved – Testing for significance between means, having one normal distributed sample and one non normal distributed


I have following problem:

Within an independent groups 1-factor design I have two independent groups, with a sample size of 20 each. The data of the treatment group is not normally distributed, whereas the data for the control group is (checked with Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test). Now I want to check if the differences of the means of both groups are significant.
What is the appropriate test for this? I think it should be the Wilcoxon Rank Sum and Signed Rank Test, but I am not sure…

Could please anybody help me?

Best Answer

If you are 100% sure that the two samples are drawn from populations with different distributions (one Gaussian, one not), are you sure you need any statistical test? You are already sure that the two populations are different. Isn't that enough? Does it really help to test for differences in means or medians? (The answer, of course, depends on your scientific goals, which were not part of the original question.)

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