Solved – Testing for normality and Bonferroni correction


For my current project I need to compare means of four groups by one-way ANOVA. In order to test whether my data come from normal distribution or not, I have checked each group for normality by Shapiro-Wilk test and now I have four p-values, i.e. one p-value per group. Should I apply Bonferroni correction to these p-values?

Best Answer

Bonferroni is used to control false discoveries (Type I errors). Your 4 p-values, if I'm interpreting your question correctly, are from assumption tests, not from tests to demonstrate the significance of your discoveries, and therefore don't call for Bonferroni correction. I doubt that you are trying to demonstrate non-normality, or that you would claim a "discovery" for detecting non-normality. In fact, the goal of assumption tests is typically NONSIGNIFICANCE, not significance. Therefore, there is no reason to apply Bonferroni correction to assumption tests under typical circumstances.

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