Solved – Test difference between samples with very small sample size

hypothesis testingsmall-samplet-test

Suppose I have observed 3 realizations of two non-negative, integer random variables $X$ and $Y$. Nothing is known about their underlying distribution. The results were $x = \{4,~8,~2\}$, and $y = \{22,~11,~8\}$. Hence, $\overline{x} = 14/3$ and $\overline{y} = 41/3$, for a sample mean difference of $9$.

My question is: is there any way to conduct a meaningful statistical hypothesis test in order to decide whether $H_0: E(X) = E(Y)$, can be rejected?

My first idea was to use a two-sample t-test or Welch-test, but I guess the sample size is way too low for that. Is there anything one can reasonably test?

Best Answer

There are potentially a number of ways of testing if these two samples differ, but all will probably have low power. You could use a t-test, but its validity will depend on whether the underlying populations are normally distributed and have equal variances. With so few data, you really can't check that very well so you have to rely entirely on prior knowledge (of which you say you have none) and the assumptions you are willing to make. Given that your variances are $9.3$ and $54.3$, I would not want to make the assumption of equal variances (although, again, with so few data they actually could be), so the Satterthwaite-Welch correction seems appropriate. If you weren't willing to assume the populations were exactly normal (since the central limit theorem cannot cover you with samples this small), you could use the Mann-Whitney U test. As it happens, that test gives a lower p-value ($.12$) than the corrected t-test ($.16$). The question then, is what you want to conclude from these results. My opinion is that using a rigid $.05$ cutoff is typically not appropriate (see my answer here: When to use Fisher and Neyman-Pearson framework?); so I would say this result is somewhat ambiguous, but you might find it does provide some evidence against the null, depending on how plausible the null is a-priori.

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