Solved – TensorFlow Object Detection – Multiple objects detection with the pet detector

computer visiondeep learningmachine learningobject detectiontensorflow

I have trained the pet detector from tensorflow object detection with a ssd mobilenet architecture.

The train dataset only contains image with a single objects (1 image = 1 box ).

I would like to detect multiple objects on personnal data. Is it possible to use this model on my data or I need to train a new model with dataset which contains multiple elements ? (for the moment return only 0 or 1 box for 1 image)

More generally, do I need a dataset with images containing multiple objects to have a multiple object detector ?


Best Answer

No, you do not need a dataset with many objects on each image in order to train a detector that is able to detect many objects in images. To be more concrete, if you have a dataset with at most one person on each image, it is possible to train a single shot detector that is able to detect several people on an image.