Solved – t test with log transformation

data transformationnormal distributionself-studyskewnesst-test

One of my variables to be compared in a t-test is normally distributed, while the other is non-normally distributed. What test should I use? I thought I should do a reflect log10 transformation on the normally distributed data, but this does not work in the t-test because the mean values are much higher and it is now saying there is a statistically significant difference between the two groups when I know for a fact there is not (its for a college project we already have the results just have to prove them).

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The reason you want your data to be normal for a $t$-test is to ensure the sampling distributions of the means will be normal. However, due to the central limit theorem, the sampling distribution of the means will often become normal with enough data even if the original data are not normal. I gather you have a lot of data and the histograms look OK even if the test of the skewness is significant. You are probably OK to use the $t$-test straight away.

If you do choose to use a data transformation before running your test, you should apply the same transformation to both groups. If there isn't a transformation that will sufficiently normalize both groups, you should use a test that does not require normality, such as the Mann-Whitney $U$-test.

For some related information, it may help you to read this excellent CV thread: Is normality testing 'essentially useless'?

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