Solved – Survival analysis in SAS-is there a way to include a random effect with interval censored data


I'm trying to use some form of survival analysis (e.g. accelerated failure time or proportional hazards) to study seed germination time. My data is interval censored (also called "grouped-time") and has a random effect (also called "frailty"). How can I do this, ideally in SAS?

My seeds were on petri dishes that were censused on day 1, 3, 5, 8, and 14. These are interval censored, with a seed that germinated on d8 really germinated between day 6 and day 8.

PROC LIFEREG can handle interval censoring but as far as I know, it doesn't handle random effects. Seeds on the same petri dish are not independent, so I need to be able to include the dish as a random effect. I would like to make inferences about the mean or median time to germination for a seed grown under several treatment conditions (e.g. genotype, maternal temperature, seed temperature, & interactions)

Is there an approach that allows interval censoring as well as random effects? If so, how should I modify the SAS code below to include random effects? Do I need to switch procedures to something like PROC NLMIXED? If this is something that cannot be done in SAS, what software is the best/easiest to do this?

PROC LIFEREG DATA=survGeno2 plots=probplot;
TITLE "Interval censored AFT";
CLASS geno;
MODEL (start,fin)=geno;

Best Answer

In SAS, you can use "proc phreg" and there is a "random" statement where you can assign your random effect.

for example: if variable (dish) is your cluster then

proc phreg data=survGeno2;
   class dish geno;
   model Time*Status(0)=geno;
   random dish; <- to assign the cluster effect here
   hazardratio 'Frailty Model Analysis' geno;

reference from:

Here is a good teaching video here, please refer to

There are other way to assign the distribution of frailty other than normal distribution. You can also use nlmix or others.

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