Solved – Surface Fit Using Tensor Product of B-Splines

least squaresnonparametricrregressionsplines

I am trying to teach myself surface fitting with splines using tensor products. I am trying to construct a toy example but I can't seem to get my example to work. I will try to explain the best I can .
I am trying to fit a set of a points sampled from bi-variate Gaussian using B-Splines.

This is what the sampled surface looks like.


binorm = function(x,y)
z =  (15/ (2*pi)) * exp(-(1/2) * (x^2 + y^2))

# Set up data
samples = 10
x = seq(-3, 3, length.out = samples)
grid = cbind(rep(x, times=1, each=samples), rep(x, times=samples)) # cartesian product
Y = matrix(binorm(grid[,1], grid[,2]), nrow = samples, ncol = samples) # evaluate at each point

# Plot the surface
surface3d(x,x, Y, col = "green")

I want to use a 6-th order B-Spline Basis system with 12 basis funcitons.

Surface Plot

param.nbasis = 12
param.norder = 6

param.rangeval = c(min(x), max(x))
nbreaks = param.nbasis - param.norder + 2
basis.breaks = seq(param.rangeval[1], param.rangeval[2], length.out = nbreaks)

B.x = bsplineS(x, breaks = basis.breaks, norder = param.norder)
B.y = bsplineS(x, breaks = basis.breaks, norder = param.norder)

(Note: the bsplineS() function is from the fda package)

Given that I am interpolating on a 10 x 10 grid. The B-Spline basis matrices are the same. From what I understand, from reading the literature and this question I want to do a row-wise Kronecker product of the two Basis matrices (see the question I linked to before). Doing that I get a $ 10 \times (12*12)$ matrix.

C = matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = param.nbasis^2)
for (i in 1:10) 
C[i,] = kronecker(B.x[i,], B.y[i,])

This is where I am confused, I should be able to solve the system using the normal equations. I am doing
an unweighted least-squares fit so I should be able to solve for the regression coefficients $\beta$ via the normal equations

\beta = (C'C)^{-1} C'y

In r code this becomes

y = as.vector(Y)
B = solve(t(C) %*% C) %*% t(C) %*% y

However, I continue to get the following error:

Error in solve.default(t(C) %*% C) : 
Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[7,7] = 0

Obviously I am doing something wrong. I am having trouble figuring this out, there are not many code examples
on the web. Any help, particularly a code example would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Not vectorizing your response matrix $Y$ is the way to go;

B = ginv(t(C) %*% C) %*% t(C) %*% Y  #OLS
pred = C%*%B  #Predictions
surface3d(x,x, pred, col = "green")  #Plot