Solved – Sufficiency of two Poisson disributions

estimatorspoisson distributionsufficient-statistics

If $X_1,X_2$ constitute a random sample of size n=2 from a Poisson Population show that the mean of the sample is a sufficient estimator of the parameter $\lambda$ .

Since the sum of Poissons is also Poisson with parameter $\lambda+\lambda=2\lambda$
Then $E[Y]=2\lambda$. where Y constitute of two Poisson distributions each with parameter $\lambda$.

Do I have to show that $2\lambda$ is sufficient for $\lambda$.
I don't understand what the estimator is here?

Best Answer

Probably you mean that the sample average is sufficient statistics for $\lambda$. So, if $X_1, X_2$ are independent draws from Poisson distribution with parameter $\lambda$ then the answer is "yes".

Check here:

Using Fisher–Neyman factorization theorem:


where $h(x)=(x_1!x_2!)^{-1}$ and $g_\lambda(T(x))=\lambda^{(x_1+x_2)/2}e^{2-2\lambda}$