Solved – Structural equations: how to specify interaction effects in R lavaan package


I am using R lavaan package to estimate a structural equation model. Let's say the model consists of 1 endogenous manifest variable with 1 latent and 2 manifest explanatory variables:

group = {0,1}
attitude1 = latent,scale
age = respondent's age

The desired lavaan model is then (doesn't work):

model <- '
attitude1 =~ att1 + att2 + att3
outcome ~ age*group + attitude1*group'

My goal is, in the lines of what can be done in linear regression, to establish main and interaction effects between each variable and group. Can this be done?

Best Answer

There isn't currently a method implemented at the model level, but you can create a new variable that is just attitude1*group, or you can just use multigroup analysis, which may be more appropriate in this case.

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