Solved – Strict Exogeneity and Seasonal Dumthe Variables


Wooldridge (Intro Econometric book) he states that seasonal dummy variables (say a dummy for the calendar month) satisfy the strict exogeneity assumption because "they follow a deterministic pattern. For example, the months do not change based upon whether the explanatory variables or the dependent variable changes ".

Why is this? What does the explanation have to do with the error term (data not included in the regression that influence the dependent variable) being correlated with any of the seasonal dummies?

Best Answer

Strict exogeneity means that the error $u_t$ is uncorrelated with all past and future values of the seasonal dummies. This means that such variables cannot react to shocks to $y$ in the past or the future. Suppose consumers feel worried about the economy in December and such sentiments are unobserved. This means there was a negative shock to Amazon sales that month as people cut back on presents. Big negative error. I don't get my pony. But Amazon just cannot decide to have a Christmas season again in January. Contrast this to the effect of police on crime example from earlier in that chapter. If there was a gang war in December, the police force would jump $n$ months later as the mayor gets tough on crime and the cadets graduate. Now that would violate the strict exogeneity assumption.

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