Solved – Stepwise regression, moderation effects, main effects

interactionmultiple regressionstatistical significancestepwise regression

I have a simple model:

$A$ is hypothesized to be a predictor / regressor / explanatory / input variable

$B$ is hypothesized to be the response / regressand / explained / outcome variable

So, the relationship looks something like:

$A\longrightarrow B$

Additionally, $C$ is hypothesized to be a moderator of the relationship between $A$ and $B$.

When I run the regression by including all the variables ("enter" procedure in SPSS), none of the relationships are significant.

When I use "step-wise" regression, and let SPSS choose the variables to include, $C\times A$ has a statistically significant effect on $B$, but SPSS stops the "step-wise" regression procedure before including $A$. I suppose one can assume that $A$ doesn't have a statistically significant effect on $B$ (after the inclusion of $C\times A$ in the model).

Thus, I have a statistically significant moderation term $(C\times A)$ , but the main term $(A)$ has not been included in the model.

What can I do with such a result? I was taught that moderation effects are not valid if main effects were not included in the model. Is there a way around that admonition? Is there some way I could still employ this result profitably?

Best Answer

The easiest solution is to just force the main effects in your model. You should not use step-wise anyhow, see: here.

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