Solved – Step-wise feature selection with caret

feature selectionmachine learningr

can anyone direct me to a package/commands in R for performing step-wise feature selection, preferably using the caret package.

I have already used linear discriminant analysis (LDA), Random forest, PCA and a wrapper using a support vector machine. I was thinking of including a partial least sqaures or a gradient boosting method, but while trying to use them on multi-class data, they cause R to crash. People have reported similar experiences on multi-class data using caret when attempting to use gbm.

I realize that I haven't used a step-wise approach and I was searching for one that can be implemented on highly correlated, dependent variables for selecting the best performing 20 variables (for example) to create a parsimonious model.

Any suggestions would be welcomed

Best Answer

caret has a stepLDA method available in train:

slda <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris,
              method = "stepLDA",
              trControl = trainControl(method = "cv"))

This uses stepclass in the klaR package. There are also LDA feature selection tools in caret using rfe and sbf that would be helpful.
