Solved – Statistical Test: Comparing muiltiple choice responses across 2 groups

hypothesis testingproportion;

I ran a survey containing a multiple choice question (i.e. you can only select 1 of 5 options; the options are considered nominal variables). This survey was completed by 2 different groups (no repeats). There were 1600 responses from the first group, and 600 responses from the second group.

I would like to show that there is no significant difference in how the two groups answered the multiple choice question. For instance, the number of people in Group 1 who selected options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was not significantly different from Group 2.

What statistical test should I use?


Best Answer

You have two alternatives if you are looking at a difference in proportion of people rather than number. Proportion makes more sense in your case.

  1. Using 5 two sample tests of proportions; given your high sample size, it seems Ok to assume normality of the underlying distribution. Null hypothesis is both the groups have the same proportion.
  2. Go for a MANOVA test on all the 5 proportions together.
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