Solved – Statistical significance test with 1×2 data and faked 2×2 contingency table

fishers-exact-testhypothesis testing

Medical scientists love p-values and in a publication, I found the following patient statistics table. I stumbled over the Number of patients line.

enter image description here

They divided their subject group into two subgroups TAV and BAV and I asked how they calculated the p-value, because you only have one characteristic BAV/TAV. If you look for instance at the Male row, you see that you can use a 2×2 contingency table consisting of 2 characteristics BAV/TAV and Male/Female and make e.g. a Fisher test.

What was done in the Number of patients row was to fake a 2×2 contingency table repeating and reversing the numbers:


From the viewpoint that they want to express how similar the number of patients are in the BAV and TAV group, this kind of makes sense because it gives a p-value of 1 (two tailed Fisher) when BAV and TAV have the same number of patients. However, I have never seen this and I cannot find any reference to such an approach.

Question: Can someone tell me whether it is correct what they did?

Best Answer

The only "right" way I can think of to analyze that type of patient row is to test whether the proportions are equal. This can be done with a one way chi-square test, which is, indeed, a 1x2 table.

I've never seen the sort of procedure you mention - did they say in the article that that is what they did, or are you guessing/figuring out that that is what they did?

The next question is whether the two methods give the same results. The table you show doesn't give much, so let's test:

type <- c(TAV = 347, BAV = 32)


x <- matrix(c(347,32,32,347),ncol = 2)

give identical p values. The first is what I suggested, the second is what you said.