Solved – Stationary of exogenous variables in Dynamic Regression with SARIMA errors

arimadynamic-regressionforecastingtime series

I want to create a dynamic regression model with ARIMA-errors. What I am trying to figure out is if the exogenous variable, x_t and the variable I want to predict, y_t need to have the exact same number of differencing, or if them both being stationary is enough.

For example, if one exogenous variable, x_t, needs to be differenced one time to be made stationary while the y_t needs to be differenced two times to be made stationary. Is one then forced to difference the x_t a second time even though it is already stationary?

Best Answer

You need the dependent variable and the independent variable to have the same order of integration, otherwise they would diverge from each other asymptotically, invalidating both the intuitive or subject-matter explanation and statistical properties of the estimators.

  • If $\Delta y_t$ and $x_t$ are not cointegrated, use $\Delta^2 y_t$ and $\Delta x_t$.
  • If $\Delta y_t$ and $x_t$ are cointegrated, use $\Delta^2 y_t$ and $\Delta x_t$ and include the error correction term as a regressor (unless $\Delta y_t$ does not correct towards equilibrium so that the loading of the error correction term is zero; this could be tested by including the error correction term and checking whether it is significantly different from zero).