Time Series – State Space Formulation of Hodrick-Prescott Filter Explained

filterkalman filtertime seriestrend

I would like to apply the Kalman filter in order to get a causal Hodrick-Prescott filter.
The Hodrick-Prescott filter models a time series $(y_t)_{t=0}^T$ as
y_t = \tau_t + c_t
where $\tau_t$ is a trend component and $c_t$ is a cyclical component.

This reference defines a state space formulation of the form
y_t = \tau_t + c_t
as the measurement equation and
\tau_t = 2 \tau_{t−1} − \tau_{t−2} + \epsilon_t
for the unobservable trend.

I have three questions on this:

A) $c_t$ is assumed to be a random error here, right? Normally distributed with constant variance. This seems a difficult assumption to me.

B) What's the logic behind the equation for the trend?

C) Does anybody know a different state space formulation for this problem? Or a nother reference?


Best Answer

A) Actually, your reference says "a stationary residual or cyclical component, $c_t$", while this calls $c_t$ a 'cyclical component'.

Maravall and del Rio (2001) say "a residual, $c_t$, to be called “cycle”."

B) This formulation follows from the form of $A$; the second difference of $\tau$ is the error term.

C) some other references you may find helpful:


http://www.stat.itam.mx/seminarios/Resumens/p136.pdf (see p6 which is relevant to your B, but they appear to have a sign in the A-matrix wrong - c.f. your link, p13)



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