Solved – Standardized LASSO in R still has intercept


I understand the need to standardize variables when performing LASSO in R (I'm specifically using cv.glmnet, and setting standardize=TRUE).

The resulting model, however, still fits an intercept. From what I understand, we center the data so that there's no intercept and the model has more freedom to fit coefficients (without the intercept taking up some of the $\Sigma{\beta_j}$), am I doing this correctly? Do I need to set intercept=FALSE?

Best Answer

The intercept should generally only be omitted if all the predictors and the response have mean=0 (in which case the intercept must necessarily be 0).

Setting standardize=TRUE, which is the default option for glmnet::glmnet, only standardizes the predictors. The function has another parameter to standardize the response, but by default this is set to standardize.response=FALSE. So you would want to estimate an intercept unless you have specified standardize.response=TRUE.