Solved – Standardized estimates give different p-value with a glmer/lmer


I have a large data set where I relate the response variable to multiple explanatory variables; since I have different areas I have also included a random factor.
The response variable is binomial and therefore I use the glmer function from the lme4 package.
The explanatory variables have different scales and to be able to compare the estimates I wanted to standardize the estimates.
For that I use a standardisation method that has been developed by Gelman (2007), which is available in the arm package.
Another method would be fine as well, however I use this for a different model, and I would like to use the same method to standardize my data.

However if I use this method, I get different $p$-values:

# without standardized data: 
model1 <- glmer(bembryo ~ (s_edlength + s_bplength + s_tide)^2 + (1|Areasite), family=binomial(link = "logit"), nAGQ = 1, data=data)

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
(Intercept)           -1.81791    2.86350  -0.635   0.5255  
s_edlength            12.33513    5.52290   2.233   0.0255 *
s_bplength            -8.77016    4.74700  -1.847   0.0647 .
s_tide                 1.54429    1.38453   1.115   0.2647  
s_edlength:s_bplength -0.01579    0.14525  -0.109   0.9134  
s_edlength:s_tide     -4.77805    2.23256  -2.140   0.0323 *
s_bplength:s_tide      3.47744    1.89254   1.837   0.0661 .   

# With standardized data: 

model.full.stan <- standardize(model1)

Fixed effects:
                          Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                 3.1441     0.7192   4.372 1.23e-05 ***
z.s_edlength                5.9579     2.4137   2.468   0.0136 *  
z.s_bplength               -4.0340     2.1221  -1.901   0.0573 .  
z.s_tide                   -1.3594     1.1632  -1.169   0.2425    
z.s_edlength:z.s_bplength  -0.1263     1.2467  -0.101   0.9193    
z.s_edlength:z.s_tide     -10.4140     4.9042  -2.123   0.0337 *  
z.s_bplength:z.s_tide       7.9670     4.3625   1.826   0.0678 . 

I am not really sure why this is happening.
I checked if it depends on the standardization method I use.
However, if I just use the function rescale to scale my explanatory variables I also get different $p$-values.
I do not get different $p$-values when there is only one explanatory variables left, however that is not really helpful.

This same problem occurs when I use a lme function from the nlme package.
Although for this function the method of Gelman (2007) is not possible, I also get different $p$-values compared to the non-standardized model.

I am not sure why this is happening and I really would like to use standardized estimates, so I would hope that someone has a idea why this is happening.

Best Answer

The phenomenon you're seeing is not specific to glmer or mixed models. It is a consequence of (1) centering as well as scaling your input variables; (2) including interactions in your model. If you only scale, and don't center your variables (e.g. by using scale(.,center=FALSE)), or if you drop the interactions from the model, then you should see the magnitudes of your coefficients change, but the $Z$-statistics and $p$-values should remain identical. If you didn't have interactions in the model, then your estimated slopes would represent the marginal change in the response per unit of the predictor; because you have interactions, your estimated slopes are the change in the response per unit of the predictor at the zero value of the other variables included in the interaction; this makes the estimates sensitive to centering the other input variables.