Solved – Stan: Multilevel Ordinal Logistic Regression


I'm trying to create a multilevel ordinal logistic regression model in Stan and the following code would seem to work, in the sense that Stan seems to convergence to sensible answers:

stanmodel <- '
data {
  int<lower=2> K;  // ordinal response with 4 values, 3 cutpoints
  int<lower=0> N;  // number of measurements
  int<lower=1,upper=K> y[N]; // response

  int<lower=0> Ntests;         // number of groups
  int<lower=1,upper=Ntests> tests[N];  // groups

parameters {
  // population cutpoints and associated variance.
  ordered[K-1]  CutpointsMean;
  real<lower=0> CutpointsSigma[K-1];   

  ordered[K-1]  Cutpoints[Ntests];   // ordinal response cutpoints for groups

model {

  CutpointsSigma ~ exponential(1);
  CutpointsMean  ~ normal(2, 3);

  for (i in 1:Ntests) {
    Cutpoints[i][1] ~ normal(CutpointsMean[1] , CutpointsSigma[1]);
    Cutpoints[i][2] ~ normal(CutpointsMean[2] , CutpointsSigma[2]);
    Cutpoints[i][3] ~ normal(CutpointsMean[3] , CutpointsSigma[3]);

  for (i in 1:N)
    y[i] ~ ordered_logistic(0, Cutpoints[tests[i]]);


I have removed the part relating to the covariates for clarity.

'CutpointsMean' and 'CutpointsSigma' define the population global ordinal response while Cutpoints[i][1:3] is the ordinal response for group i.

The idea is that for example the first 'cutpoint' of each group is generated from a normal distribution centered on the first 'cutpoint' of the overall population.

The second 'cutpoint' of each group is generated from a normal distribution centered on the second 'cutpoint' of the overall population and so on.

As Cutpoints[i] is an ordered vector of 3 elements, what happens when I write directly into Cutpoints[i][2] ?

Is the write operation rejected if the constraints are not satisfied or simply the entry is written in the vector and the results is sorted?

Is this the correct way of modelling a multilevel ordinal response in Stan?

Best Answer

For those interested, the answer to this problem requires the Ordered Inverse Transform, the complete answer can be found here:!category-topic/stan-users/general/sgX2Edo8qiQ

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