Gamma Distribution – Square Root of an Inverse Gamma Distributed Random Variable

distributionsgamma distributionprobability

I work on the grouped t copula and try to replicate part of the following paper:
"The t copula with Multiple Parameters of Degrees of Freedom: Bivariate Characteristics and Application to Risk Management", Luo & Shevchenko (2010).

My Question:

I need the distribution of the following random variable:
Y = \sqrt{\frac\nu X}

where X is Chi square distributed with v degrees of freedom.

I found out that the following random variabe Z is inverse gamma distributed with alpha = v/2 and beta = v/2,
Z = {\frac\nu X}

So, basically I am looking for the distribution of the square root of an inverse gamma distributed random variable.

Do you have any ideas?

Best Answer

I have derived the answer using Mathematica:

PDF[TransformedDistribution[Sqrt[x], x \[Distributed] InverseGammaDistribution[\[Nu]/2, \[Nu]/2]], x]

results in a pdf for your transformed variable of the form:

$\frac{2^{1-\frac{\nu}{2}} e^{-\frac{\nu}{2x^2}}x^{-1-\nu}\nu^{\nu/2}}{Gamma(\nu/2)}$

I am not sure if this represents a particular named distribution, but hope that knowing the pdf may help in some way.

Update: the inverse cdf for this distribution is:

$\frac{\nu}{2 InverseGammaRegularised(\nu/2,x)}$



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