Solved – SPSS from two – to one tailed test

hypothesis testingself-studyspsst-test

If any of you would like to confirm if my understanding is correct or wrong,
I will be most grateful.

I have done an independent-samples t-test (two-tailed),
for difference between women/men how they see their own skill sett.

In short:
group women,n 76: mean 3,20 – std .980
group men,n 21: mean 3,71 – std .956

df= 95
sig.level set to 0.05

t= – 2.150
sig. (2-tailed) 0.034

(critical value= -1.98 to 1.98)

statistics significant difference between men and women …
I reject the null hypothesis.

I am going to find out the the results for a one-tailed
test which SPSS do not check for.

H0: There is no difference in drivingskills between women and men.
H1:Women have lower driving skills then men.

I have understood that the principle is the same, but I have to

first be clear on the direction, which is negative (group 2 have a higher mean).
Then I need to divide the significant in 2 which was -2.150/2=-1.075.

The area at 0.05 with 95 df one-tailed test in the
"students distribution"
shows me about -1.661.

I conclude therefore that I must accept the null hypothesis
when doing a one-tailed test (since I have the number – 1,075)

Am I very lost here or have I understood it and done it correctly?
(She said with hope).

Thank you.

Best Answer

You should be dividing the $p$-value (0.034) by two, not the $t$-value.