R Regression – Solving Linear Regression with Weights and Constraints in R


I would like to solve a linear regression (in R) with weights $w$ and a constraint.

In other words, I would like to find $x$ that minimizes the sum of squares
$$\sum_i w_i(b_i-Ax_i)^2$$

On top of that I have an external vector $d$, which I would like to use in a constraint, such that $d \cdot x \le 5$.

Is this something that would be possible to do in R with solve.QP or perhaps some other R script?

Edit: I am adding a bounty for a solution that doesn't require any other custom software except the cran packages. While rstan works perfectly unfortunately I am unable to install it on my production servers due to old versions of some libraries.

Best Answer

You're looking for the mgcv package. With the toy data we used before, it works just fine. (I'm uncertain why rstan is so confident in its results... I'm still looking into it.)


N       <- 1500
d       <- c(1/2, 2/pi, 2/3)
x       <- c(2, 1, 3)
limit   <- 5
d%*%x <= limit

A       <- cbind(1, rnorm(N), rnorm(N))
b.hat   <- A%*%x
wgt     <- rexp(N)
b       <- rnorm(N, mean=b.hat, sd=wgt)


pin <- c(1.5, .75, 2.5)
Ain <- matrix(d, nrow=1)

M   <- list(y=b, w=wgt, X=A, p=pin, Ain=-Ain, bin=-limit, C=matrix(1, ncol=0, nrow=0))

1.8844996 0.9421333 2.9770852

The inequality in this package is flipped the other direction by default. So we have to multiply both sides by $-1$.

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