Regression – Solution for Autocorrelation in Linear Regression Model with Economic Data

autocorrelationmultivariate regressionregression

I am trying to estimate a multivariate linear regression model in the form of:

$Y(t) = c + b_1*X_1(t) + b_2*X_2(t) + b_3*X_3(t) + b_4*X_4(t)$

All my variables (both Xs and Y) are Year on Year changes of economic data measured Quarterly (Frequency = Quarterly).

When I run the regressions, my model suffers from Autocorrelation. This is logical if we think that between 2 consecutive quarters of yearly changes there is an overlap of 3 quarters.

Now, my question is. Would it be acceptable to introduce a lagged version of the dependent variable in my regression?
i.e. estimate a model in the form of:

$Y(t) = c + k*Y(t-1) + b_1*X_1(t) + b_2*X_2(t) + b_3*X_3(t) + b_4*X_4(t)$

When I do that, there is not an Autocorrelation problem anymore. I would like though to make sure that this does not create any other problem that I can't imagine.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Best Answer

That is strange, but not impossible. Maybe tell us how you tested for serial correlation (SC)?

Anyway, I would worry less about SC and more about stationarity of the data. You can always use either FGLS, or robuts standard errors for inference - and these are easy to compute. But if you do not have stationairty, you get inconsistent estimates (unless you make the very strong Gauss Markov or the classical linear model assumptions). And this is by far, a much bigger problem.