Solved – Smoother matrix from smooth.spline


I'm trying to obtain the smoother matrix out of my smooth.spline fit.
I use the bone mineral density data from

bone <-read.table("", header=TRUE)
bmd_age <- smooth.spline(bone$age, bone$spnbmd, all.knots=TRUE, cv=TRUE)
bmd_fit <- predict(bmd_age, sort(bone$age))
df <- bmd_age$df

To obtain a column of the smoother matrix, I can replace the response vector (bone$spnbmd) by a vector with a single 1 and the rest filled with 0's. It is both what the professor recommended and what I found online

So I use

smooth.matrix = function(x){
  n = length(x);
  sm = matrix(0, n, n);  
  for(i in 1:n){
    y = rep(0, n); y[i]=1;
    sm_i = predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=df),x)$y;
    sm[,i]= sm_i;

sm <- smooth.matrix(bone$age)

If the smoother matrix is correct, the following two quantities should be the same (both fitted values from the smoothing spline model).

fromsm <- sm%*%(bone$spnbmd[order(bone$age)])
fromfit <- bmd_fit$y 

However, they are not. I think the problem is in the definition of smooth.matrix function, where

sm_i = predict(smooth.spline(x, y, df=df),x)$y;

is not using the same smoothing fit as in bmd_age. I've tried fixing the degree of freedom, spar, lambda, cv=FALSE, etc. but no luck so far. How to fix it?

Best Answer

After many hours of exploration, here is what I found:

Because smooth.spline algorithm chooses spar instead of lambda, it is only possible to (sort of) fix spar. However, lambda is a function of spar and another variable matrix. So fixing spar does not fix lambda necessarily. I have not found an easy way to extract the smoother matrix out of smooth.spline. However, for the purpose of computing variance, the algorithm provided in (fix spar instead of df) is a close estimate of the true smoother matrix. The variance computed from $SyS^T$, where $S$ is the estimated smoother matrix, is pretty close to the one computed from the correct smoother matrix.

Another R package "assist" has a function "ssr()" that also does smooth spline regression. It is not as powerful as smooth.spline. But the built-in function "hat.ssr()" gives the true smoother matrix of the model obtained from "ssr()".

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