Solved – Simulating Multinomial Logit Data with R


I'm looking to generate fake data to fit a multinomial logit in R? Any code/suggestions on material to look at would be very much appreciated…


Best Answer

It is really simple to generate multinomial logit regression data. All you need to keep in mind are the normalizing assumptions.

# covariate matrix
mX = matrix(rnorm(1000), 200, 5)

# coefficients for each choice
vCoef1 = rep(0, 5)
vCoef2 = rnorm(5)
vCoef3 = rnorm(5)

# vector of probabilities
vProb = cbind(exp(mX%*%vCoef1), exp(mX%*%vCoef2), exp(mX%*%vCoef3))

# multinomial draws
mChoices = t(apply(vProb, 1, rmultinom, n = 1, size = 1))
dfM = = apply(mChoices, 1, function(x) which(x==1)), mX)

Here mChoices and dfM$y encode the same information differently.

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