Solved – Simulating a bimodal distribution in the range of [1;5] in R

bimodalmixture-distributionnormal distributionrsimulation

I want to simulate a continuous data set/variable with lower/upper bounds of [1;5], while at the same time ensure that the drawn distribution can be considered as bimodal.

Searching for my problem, I found this source, which helps to simulate a bimodal distribution, however, it doesn't apply the lower/upper bounds:

In contrast, the rtruncnorm function in R (from package truncnorm) helps me to simulate a normal (but not bimodal) distribution with lower/upper bounds.

Question now is, how can I combine both? Theoretically, I could just use the approach from the first link, i.e. generate a bimodal distribution with two underlying normal distributions and then just recalculate the drawn data with this approach ( to get my bounds.

Or I could generate two truncated normal distributions with the rtruncnorm function and then combine it to a bimodal distribution following the approach from the first link.

But I'm not sure if either of these approaches is mathematically justified.

NOTE: why do I want a range of [1;5] anyway? The real data would come from a survey where respondents will answer on a 5 point scale from 1-5 (continuously, not discrete), hence I need to simulate this finiteness.

Best Answer

The easiest approach would be to draw $\frac{n}{2}$ samples from a truncated normal distribution with one mean and another $\frac{n}{2}$ samples from a truncated normal distribution with a different mean. This is a , specifically one with equal weights; you could also use different weights by varying the proportions by which you draw from both distributions.


nn <- 1e4
sims <- c(rtruncnorm(nn/2, a=1, b=5, mean=2, sd=.5),
                    rtruncnorm(nn/2, a=1, b=5, mean=4, sd=.5))

