Solved – Simple interrupted time series analysis

intervention-analysisrtime series

I have a weekly time series representing costs for a cohort. I want to tell whether an intervention on the cohort (we can assume it happened in a single week) has decreased costs for the cohort. I happen to know that the trend over this period for the population from which this cohort was taken was -120 per week per week.

My initial thought was simply to do a linear regression lm(Costs~Weeks,offset=-120*Weeks) but (obviously) the significance is not only a function of the effect of the intervention but also how far back I look (if I look back to $-\infty$ it will of course appear non-significant).

I looked at this website: and tried to replicate the R code with my data, but when I enter the arimax() command, I got the error message

Error in stats:::arima(x=x,order=order,seasonal=seasonal,fixed=par[1:narma], : wrong length for 'fixed'

Now, I'm not sure what to do. Can anyone give me some guidance?

Best Answer

here's the arima function in R.

snippet you might be interested in:

if (is.null(fixed)) fixed <- rep(NA_real_, narma + ncxreg)
else if(length(fixed) != narma + ncxreg) stop("wrong length for 'fixed'")
mask <-
no.optim <- !any(mask)
if(no.optim) <- FALSE
if( {
    ind <- arma[1L] + arma[2L] + seq_len(arma[3L])
    if (any(!mask[seq_len(arma[1L])]) || any(!mask[ind])) {
        warning("some AR parameters were fixed: setting = FALSE") <- FALSE
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