Solved – Significant difference between AIC in generalized mixed models


I have fit several generalized mixed models for a multinomial distribution data in SPSS.

I want to select the best one for explaining my data. But comparing the AIC and selecting the lower AIC model gives me a model without sense and its accuracy is lower than others with higher AIC.

I want to test if there is any statistical difference between the AIC of the different models, because maybe the values are not statistically different and I could select another model with higher accuracy. Do you know how to do that? E.g.: AICa= 1193 (accuracy 81,3%), AICb= 1273 (88,5%)

I know that with R you can test the differences between models, but I can't develop a generalized mixed model with multinomial function in R. Is that possible in SPSS?

Best Answer

Don't choose a model just because it has a better AIC or a better AICc or a better $R^2$ or any other better property if that model doesn't make any sense.

Model selection is an art. It requires a balance of statistical knowledge and substantive knowledge.

Statistics, more generally, is part of a reasoned argument for or against certain propositions. It ought to be designed to improve knowledge, in whatever field you are in and whether this involves exploration, modeling, or whatever.

Part of the point of learning a lot of statistics is to be able to answer interesting questions and make stronger arguments. It is not to let the computer do your thinking for you.

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