Solved – Significance testing on weight of people from 2 populations given their height

hypothesis testingstatistical significance

Suppose we have $N_A$ and $N_B$ samples from population A and B respectively. For each sample, we have his/her weight and height. What interests us is whether there are a significant difference in weight between A and B. A t-test can do this easily. But we also know there is strong correlation between height and weight. If weight is not influenced by population but the height of samples are different between A and B, then we may reject $H_0$ by mistake.
Is there a systematic way to correct samples' weight using their height so we can prevent its interference?

Best Answer

This kind of task is solved by ANCOVA (analysis of covariance). According to its model, weight is dependent on two effects (apart from constant), the group effect and the covariate (height) effect: $weight=constant+group+height$. Here group effect is clean, in the sense that the possible difference the two groups in average height is washed out. So you may safely rely on significance of group effect. Before you do the above analysis you should make sure that the strength of dependency of weight on height doesn't differ in the two groups. To do it, try the model with the interaction term: $weight=constant+group+height+group*height$. If the interaction is nonsignificant you can turn to the above two-effect model (while if it is significant you should apply a nested model that is a bit more complex).

The above simple approach however assumes that weight is dependent on height linearly, and we know that it is certainly not true. Another nasty thing is that weight depends on height heteroscedastically, that is, variation of weight is larger for big heights than for small heights. What to do? One way is to transform weight prior to the analysis so that weight by height scatter-cloud is about linear and homoscedastic. Another opportunity is to try generalized linear model instead of classic ANCOVA. That procedure offers various link functions which in fact perform the transformation for you implicitly.

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