Solved – Showing characteristic function is infinitely differentiable

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Suppose that X is a real-valued random variable. Suppose that there exists a constant M > 0 such that the support of X lies entirely in the interval $[-M,M]$. Let $\phi$ denote the characteristic function of X. Show that $\phi$ is infinitely differentiable.

If infinitely differentiable is equivalent to absolutely continuous, then

$$\int_{-M}^{M}| \phi(t)|\;dt < \infty$$

Best Answer

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by support here, but if X lies in $[-M,M]$ a.s. then the following works:

First, have a look at the statement of Theorem 6.6 (pg 107) of:

As X is bounded a.s., $E|X|^k$ is finite for every $k>0$. Hence, by the theorem, $\phi^{(k)}(t)$ exists for every $k>0$.

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