Solved – Show that $\min(U,1-U)$ and that $\max(U,1-U)$ are uniform

density functionself-studyuniform distribution

Let $U$ be uniform on $(0,\ 1)$. Show that $\min(U,\ 1-U)$ is uniform on $(0,\ 1/2)$ and that $\max(U,\ 1-U)$ is uniform on $(1/2,\ 1)$.

I'm not sure how to approach… the only hint i have is that a Random Variable U is Uniform on (0,1) if for all 0<=u<=1, P[U<=u]=u
the only thing that I have seen is that the function min(U,1-U)=U for all 0<=U<=1/2 and that is is quite like the behave of a uniform variable on (0,1/2) but not sure is that's proof enough

Best Answer

If $X = max(U, 1-U)$ then it's distribution function is

$F_X = Pr(X \leq x)$ $ = Pr\{ max(U, 1-U) \leq x \}$

You should note that the maximum between two numbers is less than x iff both numbers are below x, so

$F_X = Pr\{ max(U, 1-U) \leq x \} = Pr\{U \leq x , (1 -U ) \leq x\} = Pr\{(1-x) \leq U \leq x \}$

This event has zero probability if x is below $\frac{1}{2}$ (in that case you would be asking for the probability of an impossible event, since $0.5 \leq 1- x$ and $x \leq 0.5$). In terms of distributions, then, you would have:

$F_X = Pr\{(1-x) \leq U \leq x \} = [F_U(x) - F_U(1-x)].I_{(x \geq 0.5)}$

Taking derivatives (since they exist except in a finite number of points), you can find $X$ density:

$f_X = [f_U(x) +f_U(1-x)].I_{(x \geq 0.5)} = [I_{(0,1)}(x)+I_{(0,1)}(1-x)].I_{(x \geq 0.5)}$

Since $I_{(0,1)}(x)=I_{(0,1)}(1-x)$, you finally get:

$f_X = 2.I_{(0,1)}(x).I_{(x \geq 0.5)}=2.I_{(0.5,1)}(x)$

So the maximum is distributed uniformly between $0.5$ and $1$.

For the minimum, you have that $min(U,1-U) = 1 - max(U,1-U)$ you have just proven that the maximum is uniform between $.5$ and $1$, so this equality means that the minimum is uniform between $0$ and $.5$ (being a linear function of a uniform r.v.)