Solved – Several 3-way ANOVA vs one 4-way ANOVA


I have experiment leading to 4-way ANOVA:

  • 3 experimental groups.
  • participants in each group responded to 70 trials.
  • Reaction time as DV.
  • trials were divided into separate groups by full factorial design by three variables A,B and C.

I'm not sure what is the best way to analyze the data. I can run one 4-way ANOVA with (RT ~ group*A*B*C) or run three 3-way ANOVAs for each group separately (RT ~ A*B*C).

What is the best practice? Run one 4-way ANOVA, but harder to interpret, or run three 3-way ANOVAs and correct for multiple testing?

Best Answer

If you are not really interested in the comparison between groups go for the 3-way definitely. The 4-way case will end up with A LOT of interactions for you to study. This is very complex and tiring...

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