Solved – Serial correlation


i have some question about serial correlation:

  1. What are the effects of residual serial correlation when the regressors are strictly exogenous?

  2. What are the effects of residual serial correlation when the regressors are lagged dependent variables?

Best Answer

The big difference is that when the regressors are lags of the dependent variable, the OLS estimator will be inconsistent. In the case of exogenous regressors, the OLS estimator is consistent.

In both cases, the presence of serial correlation will misestimate the standard errors (OLS standard errors will underestimate true standard errors in case of positive serial correlation, and overestimate in case of negative serial correlation) and hence misestimate the t-statistic respectively.

Please note that you test differently for serial correlation depending on whether your regressors are exogenous or not: The standard Durbin-Watson test is perfectly fine when regressors are exogenous but cannot be used with regressors that are lags of the dependent variable.

The question presumes a time series context. Please note that serial correlation occurs in cross-sections as well, therefore your point 1 has a broader context as it may refer to cross sections as well, whereas your point 2 applies only when there are repeated observations over time.

In a time series context, the presence of serial correlation suggests 2 different messages:

  1. Model is potentially mis-specified
  2. Standard errors will need to be adjusted

Using Hansen or Newey-West serial-correlation robust standard errors only helps with the second point/concern.