Solved – Sampling from Empirical CDF for Forecasting


I'm trying to forecast the future distribution of a particular interest rate based on its quarterly percentage changes. My assumptions are that:

  1. The observations are independent
  2. The distribution holds across time (stationarity of the quarterly percentage changes)

When I run Shapiro / K-S tests of normality on my historical data, I find very strong evidence in favor of rejecting the null hypothesis that both types of change my data could have been generated from a normal distribution, so I want to forecast based on the empirical distribution.

My questions are:

  1. Is there any way to determine whether or not using the empirical distribution gives a better estimate than using a normal distribution?
  2. I'm using $\textsf{R}$'s sample(x, size) command to generate potential paths for MC simulation — is this the "right" way to sample from the empirical distribution? Are there issues I'm failing to consider properly since the empirical distribution is discrete?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

As pointed out by the other poster, you cannot treat time series data as a simple random sample due to the correlations between adjacent observations in time. A nice nonparametric approach to generating sample paths is the block boostrap and here

Note that the first link also points you to the handy tsboot package in R.

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