Solved – ROC curve for knn model


I am using ROCR package and I was wondering how can one plot a ROC curve for knn model in R? Is there any way to plot it all with this package?

I don't know how to use the prediction function of ROCR for knn. Here's my example, i am using isolet dataset from UCI repository where i renamed the class attribute as y:

cl <- factor(isolet_training$y)
knn_isolet <- knn(isolet_training, isolet_testing, cl, k=2, prob=TRUE)

Now my question is, what are the arguments to pass to the prediction function of ROC. I tried the 2 below alternatives which are not working:

pred_knn <- prediction(knn_isolet$y, cl)
    pred_knn <- prediction(knn_isolet$y, isolet_testing$y)

Best Answer

ROCR plots ROCs for binary classification only, and ISOLET has 26 classes.

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