Solved – Resources for learning Markov chain and hidden Markov models

bioinformaticshidden markov modelmarkov-processreferences

I am looking for resources (tutorials, textbooks, webcast, etc) to learn about Markov Chain and HMMs. My background is as a biologist, and I'm currently involved in a bioinformatics-related project.

Also, what are the necessary mathematical background I need to have a sufficient understanding of Markov models & HMMs?

I've been looking around using Google but, so far I have yet to find a good introductory tutorial. I'm sure somebody here knows better.

Best Answer

Here are some tutorials (available as PDFs):

  1. Dugad and Desai, A tutorial on hidden markov models
  2. Valeria De Fonzo1, Filippo Aluffi-Pentini2 and Valerio Parisi (2007). Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics. Current Bioinformatics, 2, 49-61.
  3. Smith, K. Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics with Application to Gene Finding in Human DNA

Also take a look at Bioconductor tutorials.

I assume you want free resources; otherwise, Bioinformatics from Polanski and Kimmel (Springer, 2007) provides a nice overview (ยง2.8-2.9) and applications (Part II).

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