Solved – Residual analysis of cross-sectional time-series forecasts

cross-sectionforecastingpanel datartime series

I have forecasts and actuals for panel data (i.e. time-series cross-sectional data). The forecasts are already generated and provided by some source outside of R. I'd like to evaluate the quality of the forecasts.

Are there standard tools in R that perform various diagnostics on the residuals? By diagnostics I mean tests such as:

  • auto-correlation of residuals across the cross-section
  • auto-correlation of residuals along the time series for a given member
  • tests for fixed effects vs. random effects
  • heteroskedasticity, etc.

Or is the best way to perform these diagnostics to perhaps build a panel model using the forecast as the predictor in the panel model?

Best Answer

If by 'auto-correlation of residuals across the cross-section' you mean cross-correlation of residual time series, then the 'ccf' function in R can do cross-correlation between two univariate time series. Related to this look at : Cross-correlation significance in R

Ljung-Box test is implemented in R, and can tell you something the nature of the univariate residuals time series.

(Halbert) White's test helps with testing for heteroscedasticity in residuals.