Solved – Reproduce linear discriminant analysis projection plot

classificationdiscriminant analysismachine learningr

I'm struggling with projection points in linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Many books on multivariate statistical methods illustrate the idea of the LDA with the figure below.


The problem description is as follows. First we need to draw decision boundary, add perpendicular line and than plot projections of data points on it. I wonder how to add projection points to the perpendicular line.

Any suggestions / pointers?

Best Answer

The discriminant axis (the onto which the points are projected on your Figure 1) is given by the first eigenvector of $\mathbf{W}^{-1}\mathbf{B}$. In case of only two classes this eigenvector is proportional to $\mathbf{W}^{-1}(\mathbf{m}_1-\mathbf{m}_2)$, where $\mathbf{m}_i$ are class centroids. Normalize this vector (or the obtained eigenvector) to get the unit axis vector $\mathbf{v}$. This is enough to draw the axis.

To project the (centred) points onto this axis, you simply compute $\mathbf{X}\mathbf{v}\mathbf{v}^\top$. Here $\mathbf{v}\mathbf{v}^\top$ is a linear projector onto $\mathbf{v}$.

Here is the data sample from your dropbox and the LDA projection:

LDA projection

Here is MATLAB code to produce this figure (as requested):

% # data taken from your example
X = [-0.9437    -0.0433; -2.4165    -0.5211; -2.0249    -1.0120; ...
    -3.7482 0.2826; -3.3314 0.1653; -3.1927 0.0043; -2.2233 -0.8607; ...
    -3.1965 0.7736; -2.5039 0.2960; -4.4509 -0.3555];
G = [1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2];

% # overall mean
mu = mean(X);

% # loop over groups
for g=1:max(G)
    mus(g,:) = mean(X(G==g,:)); % # class means
    Ng(g) = length(find(G==g)); % # number of points per group

Sw = zeros(size(X,2)); % # within-class scatter matrix
Sb = zeros(size(X,2)); % # between-class scatter matrix
for g=1:max(G)
    Xg = bsxfun(@minus, X(G==g,:), mus(g,:)); % # centred group data
    Sw = Sw + transpose(Xg)*Xg;
    Sb = Sb + Ng(g)*(transpose(mus(g,:) - mu)*(mus(g,:) - mu));

St = transpose(bsxfun(@minus,X,mu)) * bsxfun(@minus,X,mu); % # total scatter matrix
assert(sum(sum((St-Sw-Sb).^2)) < 1e-10, 'Error: Sw + Sb ~= St')

% # LDA
[U,S] = eig(Sw\Sb);

% # projecting data points onto the first discriminant axis
Xcentred = bsxfun(@minus, X, mu);
Xprojected = Xcentred * U(:,1)*transpose(U(:,1));
Xprojected = bsxfun(@plus, Xprojected, mu);

% # preparing the figure
colors = [1 0 0; 0 0 1];
hold on
axis([-5 0 -2.5 2.5])
axis square

% # plot discriminant axis
plot(mu(1) + U(1,1)*[-2 2], mu(2) + U(2,1)*[-2 2], 'k')
% # plot projection lines for each data point
for i=1:size(X,1)
    plot([X(i,1) Xprojected(i,1)], [X(i,2) Xprojected(i,2)], 'k--')
% # plot projected points
scatter(Xprojected(:,1), Xprojected(:,2), [], colors(G, :))
% # plot original points
scatter(X(:,1), X(:,2), [], colors(G, :), 'filled')
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