Solved – Repeated measures ANOVA within and between factors

anovainteractionrepeated measures

I have conducted repeated measures ANOVA, with 2 factors: One within factor (time, pre-post intervention) and one between factor (treatment, two groups). I have measured different dependent variables. I find in all the cases an effect of the within factor, an effect of the between factor, and only in some cases an interaction between both. I want to know how to interpret these results.

  • What does the interaction mean?
  • Is the significance of the factor treatment (between) sufficient to be able to say that one group is superior to other one, that one treatment is better?

EDIT: The measures I took in three moments are: time spent using technologies, frecuency of use, abuse.. The significant interaction is for within factor (moment) X between factor (group), but it's only significant for the time spent using technologies.
What means the sugnificance of between factor? Why it's important the intetaction?

The measures I took in three moments are: time spent using technologies, frecuency of use, abuse.. The significant interaction is for within factor (moment) X between factor (group), but it's only significant for the time spent using technologies.
What means the sugnificance of between factor? Why it's important the intetaction?

Best Answer

I assume time of use refers to an addiction (such as use of a drug). Also when you say dependent variables i think youprobably mean the predictors (usually called independent variables). Time of use interacting with treatment group could mean that the effect of the intervention can be stronger/weaker depending on how recently the subject was using the drug for example.