Solved – Relative importance weight with cforest

feature selectionimportancerrandom forestranking

I am new in using RF. I want to use it to compute the relative importance of the features. I found the weight is very small ("party" package, cforest). Is there anyway to get these weights in a range of 0-1? The total weight would sum up to 1? For example, if $x_1$, $x_2$ and $x_3$ are the features, the relative importance for these features are something like, $r_1: 0.5, r_2:0.4$ and $r_3:0.1$.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can normalize them if you really want - I don't see any problem with it.

But keep in mind that the importance measure is constructed this way intentionally. If you have two variables and each results in 0.7 importance, it doesn't mean they put in 50% of influence each. They can be strongly correlated (or even be the same variable altogether). The idea of the measure is actually how different is your variable's importance from a random variable. So if it's close to 0 it means that it gives almost no information about the target.