Solved – Relationship between the binomial and the geometric distribution

binomial distributiondistributionsgeometric-distribution

I want to know the relationship between binomial and geometic distribution.
I know the distribution both have two outcome and probability of success is the same for both distribution.

Best Answer

Binomial distribution describes the number of successes $k$ achieved in $n$ trials, where probability of success is $p$. Negative binomial distribution describes the number of successes $k$ until observing $r$ failures (so any number of trials greater then $r$ is possible), where probability of success is $p$. Geometric distribution is a special case of negative binomial distribution, where the experiment is stopped at first failure ($r=1$). So while it is not exactly related to binomial distribution, it is related to negative binomial distribution.

If you are looking to learn more about the probability distributions you can check the Statistics 110: Probability lectures by Joe Blitzstein from Harvard University that are freely available online.

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