Solved – regression with non-independent data

dyadic-datamixed modelnon-independentrandom-effects-modelregression

I will be performing regression on subjects total scores from 2 player games (prisoners dilemma) that they will be playing. I am aware that including both players score from a game will cause problems due to non-independence. Is there a way that to deal with this apart from randomly picking one subject from each game for the analysis (and so losing half the data). Is there a way to introduce this into the model instead, perhaps as a random effect?

Best Answer

I assume what you have in mind is score as the response and then some player attributes as the predictors. E.g find out if blonds score higher.

Why not perform the regression with game as your sample unit. A game of N points must distribute those points between A and B so you can just take player A score for each game as a binomial response and then include both players attributes as predictors.

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