Solved – Regression to solve system of a system of linear equations

least squareslinear algebraregression

The question I am going to ask probably has a straight-forward answer, I just don't know how to frame my question in a way that would be 'normal.'

I have a set of a set of linear equations that I would like to do a regression on. The main equation will always look like the standard matrix linear equation system:

$Ax = b$

where A is a 3×3 matrix, x is 3×1 and b is 3×1. However, I can gather data to make 6 equations of this form and A should be the same for each one.

$Ax_1 = b_1 \\ Ax_2 = b_2 \\ Ax_3 = b_3 \\ Ax_4 = b_4 \\ Ax_5 = b_5 \\ Ax_6 = b_6$

Please note that $x_1$, $x_2$, $b_1$, $b_2$, etc. are not single values, but are 3×1 vectors. So for a given matrix A, I can produce 6 sets of x's ad b's. Because I am gathering data from sensors that will have noise, I don't want to just solve $Ax_1 = b_1$ and throw away the data I can get from the other 5 systems. Is there a way to do a linear regression not on a system of linear equations, but on a system of a system of linear equations?

Best Answer

if you take the first row of A, i.e. $A_{1} = [a11,a12,a13]$ and multiply it by design matrix X that consists of x's stacked next to each other $X=[x1,x2,...,x6] \in M_{3,6}$ you should be getting the 1st coordinate of the b's $B_1=[b11,b21,b31,...,b61] \in M_{1,6}$

$B_1 = A_{1} X + \epsilon$

so essentially you run linear regression of X onto B, the first coordinate of b's, to get the 1st row of A, second coordinate to get the 2nd row and third coordinate for the 3rd row

i hope this is making sense.

some warning: think hard about the error. is it additive and independent of the x's? if it is true for one of the coordinates how about the combination of the three? it seems non-trivial question but i believe my suggestion will give you a reasonable approximation

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