Solved – Ranking of categorical variables in logistic regression

categorical dataeffect-sizelogisticrankingregression

I am doing some research using logistic regression. 10 variables influence the dependent variable. One of the aforementioned is categorical (e.g., express delivery, standard delivery, etc.). Now I want to rank those categories based on the "strength" of their effect on the dependent variable.

They are all significant (small p-value), but I think I can't just use the value of the odds for ranking purposes. I somehow need to figure out, if each category is also significantly different from the other categories. Is this correct?

I read about the possibility of centering the variable. Is this really an option? I do not want the rest of my model to be affected.

Stata output in order to support my comment to @subra's post:

Average marginal effects                          Number of obs   =     124773
Model VCE    : OIM

Expression   : Pr(return), predict()
dy/dx w.r.t. : ExpDel

             |            Delta-method
             |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
ExpDel |   .1054605   .0147972     7.36   0.000     .0798584    .1378626

Best Answer

Since you are interested in ranking the categories, you may want to re-code the categorical variables into a number of separate binary variables.

Example: Create a binary variable for express delivery- which would take the value 1 for express delivery cases and 0 otherwise. Similarly, a binary variable for standard delivery.

For each of these recoded binary variables you can calculate the marginal effects as indicated below:


Let me explain a bit on the above equation: lets say d is the re-coded binary variable for express delivery

Formula is the probability of event evaluated at mean when d=1

Formula is the probability of event evaluated at mean when d=0

Once you calculate the marginal effects for all the categories (re-coded binary variables) you can rank them.

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