Solved – Ranking features in logistic regression

feature selectionlogisticrankingregression-strategies

I used Logistic Regression. I have six features, I want to know the important features in this classifier that influence the result more than other features. I used Information Gain but it seems that it doesn't depend on the used classifier. Is there any method to rank the features according to their importance based on specific classifier (like Logistic Regression)? any help would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

I think the answer you are looking for might be the Boruta algorithm. This is a wrapper method that directly measures the importance of features in an "all relevance" sense and is implemented in an R package, which produces nice plots such as this plot where the importance of any feature is on the y-axis and is compared with a null plotted in blue here. This blog post describes the approach and I would recommend you read it as a very clear intro.