Solved – “Random Forests” or “Random Forest”

random forestterminology

A question that has been bugging me recently is whether it is more correct to refer to the Random Forests Classifier as "Random Forests" or "Random Forest" (e.g. "We implemented a Random Forest classifier" or "We implemented a Random Forests classifier".) Which is more correct, or are both equally correct?
Breiman in his classic paper seems to use both interchangeably, although most papers I have read refer to it as "Random Forests".

Best Answer

If you go Breiman's page, you will find this statement about trademark.

Random Forests(tm) is a trademark of Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler and is licensed exclusively to Salford Systems for the commercial release of the software. Our trademarks also include RF(tm), RandomForests(tm), RandomForest(tm) and Random Forest(tm).

I would say, all of the are the same.